Conferences and Events

Coworking in the Spotlight: The Berlin & Brandenburg Coworking Festival 2022

Sep 19, 2022
Coworking in the Spotlight: The Berlin & Brandenburg Coworking Festival 2022

September marked the long-awaited return of our hometown coworking festival! Members of our team took the opportunity to traverse Berlin and Brandenburg to bump shoulders with other coworkers, coworking professionals, and the just-getting-to-know-coworking folks.

That said, members of our team did more than just participate. Our CEO Thilo Utke has been spearheading the festival for many years and once again made sure that the festival was a comprehensive event that brought together coworking spaces serving a variety of communities. Additionally, our CPO Kristina Schneider was invited to speak on a panel all about coworking technology (read more about that below). Thank you for bringing together coworking spaces for a week of sharing, collaborating, and discussing how we can continue to positively shape our local coworking scene.

A triumphant return

We never get tired of celebrating the return of our favorite events after extended pandemic-related delays. This year, that mostly means conferences, but it also means festivals! There were so many participating spaces that we could only visit a fraction of them, nevertheless, we wanted to share our personal experiences about each and every place we were lucky enough to see in person.

Startblock B2

We hopped on a train to Brandenburg to set foot in Startblock B2. Located on the campus of the Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg (b-Tu), this coworking space is funded by the Wirtschaftsförderung Cottbus and also provides a home for COLab, a makerspace for creative pursuits.

Our CEO Thilo was lucky enough to speak with Wiebke the General Manager and Josi the community manager. Our key takeaways from Startblock B2 were that the financial freedom of their arrangement meant that they were able to provide a well-equipped workspace and adapt to the needs of their coworkers. It’s a potent mix of institutional support and talented individuals that has given this space so much to offer.

Thilo at Startblock B2

Ahoy! Berlin

This large, multi-level coworking space was created by the same people that created the collaborative TOA conference and offers workspaces, offices, and event space.

We had a quick meeting with their Head of Strategy & Growth Nevena before catching up on some work in a quieter coworking room. (A tip for anyone thinking of visiting: They also have a cafeteria with some great meal and snack options!) Their wide variety of working spaces allows for deep conversations, casual conversations, team meetings, and focused work, all within a few steps.

They shared with us that they have recently seen demand for flex space picking up extremely fast. Companies like the event and office space they offer as it has a very bright and distinct aesthetic. Highly recommended for fans of nautical adventures mixed in with their desks.

A quiet corner at Ahoy Berlin

betahaus Berlin

What more can we say about betahaus? They offer beautifully designed spaces, top working amenities, and an unbeatable community spirit. They have multiple locations across multiple cities (and countries!), all of which provide consistently excellent experiences for individuals and teams.

We like it so much that we’ve worked out of betahaus for weeks at a time before.

During the Coworking Festival, we got to take a tour with Gillord, a community manager who helped us gain even more appreciation for the work that betahaus is doing. You can check out our interview with Gillord to see his tricks for creating positive, meaningful communities. We’ll be back soon!

Taking a tour of betahaus (and their views from the balcony!)

Motion.Lab Berlin

Motionlab is not a typical coworking space with desks (although there are some)—it’s more like a mad scientist’s dream lab! As you walk in the doors you’ll find endless rows of machines and work tools waiting for you, from laser cutting/printing over metal workshops to sewing stations.

We liked it so much we visited as a team—twice!

  • We joined a talk where we learned all about design sprint weeks.
  • We joined a workshop called “Meet your hardware cofounder,” where we ended up trying our hand at prototyping using basic tools. The workshop provided us with a fun insight into a very different work style than we’re used to.
Design Talk Tuesday at MotionLab.Berlin

Space Shack

Our CPO Kristina was invited to speak at the Space Shack, a massive coworking space in Schöneberg. There, she gave a presentation about coworking management software as part of a panel discussion on best practices in coworking tech.

During the panel, Kristina had a great exchange with our partners from Salto and the space operators in the crowd, learned a lot about the creativity that spaces apply to using software, and even how some spaces have managed to hack their own solutions.

Thanks to Ben Lorenz (Space Shack CEO) for hosting and pushing these kinds of conversations, as well as co-panelists Matthias Zeitler and Christian Schmitz.

After the panel discussion at Space Shack with Kristina, Christian (Salto), Matthias (Bansko), and Cobot-er Jason


An old favorite of ours! We visited as a team and enjoyed getting some classic coworking done there. In their calm space, we felt welcome and could rest and catch up a bit on work, also enjoying their quiet outdoor/garden area. It was the perfect place to take a breather after running around the city.


The closing party of the festival was held at HeartSpace, where we closed out a successful week by celebrating on their rooftop terrace featuring pizza, drinks, and a dramatic view over Berlin as the sun shone through approaching storm clouds on the horizon. All in all, not a bad way to end the week!

As for the space itself, they have two floors that include very thoughtful interior design and an impressive range of diverse spaces for all kinds of activities. Based on our experience, these elements are supported by a team that cares deeply about automation and uplifting their community.

Focus time at HeartSpace

What comes next

Did you miss out on this year’s festival? Wish you could have been more involved? We’ll be sure to share lots of info next year so that this festival can continue to expand in the years to come. In the meantime…

Happy coworking!


The leading management software for coworking spaces worldwide, trusted by coworking spaces, office hubs, and flexible workspaces of all sizes to grow and manage their communities.