Tool Spotlight

Tool Spotlight: The Help Desk

Jan 12, 2023
Tool Spotlight: The Help Desk

Customization is how you make your space yours!

Using the Help Desk, easily share specific information your members need in order to make the most of their own member experience, and empower them to quickly share feedback with your team. What kinds of things can you share using the Help Desk? Everything from general workplace etiquette to performing the necessary magic to get the coffee machine working!

Using the Help Center is user-friendly, easy to update, and can be used by members to help one another. It functions in two parts: Issues and Guides.


No question about it, issues are unavoidable in your workspace; keep your members happy by quickly addressing them and sharing updates with your community. If something is a known issue to your staff, like construction next door, you can add this information yourselves along with information to share with your members (and even notify members via email). On the other hand, if it’s something a member notices, like running out of toilet paper, then they can submit a report via the member portal where your staff can see and address it.


Guides are for everything you know your members will need to know, like accessing wifi or lockers. They ensure that people who are fresh to the space can still see how everything works and feel like a true member from day one!

It’s more than just a tool for onboarding, it’s a message board where you can update information in real-time and your members never feel like they’re the only one who missed a memo. Once a help desk ticket is opened, people within the space can respond and once it has been resolved, it can be closed, meaning you can easily stay on top of issues and queries in your space.

What can this feature do for my space?

Detailed, instructive guides are part of a comprehensive and inclusive onboarding. If members arrive and know the rules and regulations of a space, they will feel more comfortable working there. Even simpler, everyone will be on the same page, and there will be little confusion about how the space works. Similar to a Code of Conduct, laying down expectations isn’t constricting, it’s how your members can feel more comfortable being themselves.

This feature can be one of the building blocks to turn your space into a community, give it a try!

This feature is standard with every Cobot subscription and is absolutely free to use.

If you aren’t already using Cobot as your coworking management software, give it a go! You’ll find that our features can help you run your coworking space more effectively and grow your community. Just sign up for a free trial or a live demo session. And if you have questions, our support team is all ears!

Happy Coworking!


The leading management software for coworking spaces worldwide, trusted by coworking spaces, office hubs, and flexible workspaces of all sizes to grow and manage their communities.