Product Updates

October 2021 Cobot Update

Oct 29, 2021
October 2021 Cobot Update

Just in time for the spookiest time of the year, focus more on the fun parts of the season and less on the stress by taking advantage of all our updated features. See how our latest round of improvements makes it easier than ever to spend more time on what matters.

Premium Support 🌟

We heard your requests! For those times when you know you might need an extra “boost” of help and wish you had another way of getting in touch with our team of experts, Cobot now offers a Premium Support Extra! Schedule four hours per month of phone support with one of our dedicated support specialists and get priority chat response on all your support messages. It’s ideal for spaces with custom solutions, frequent staff onboarding, or just in the home stretch before opening and need lots of individualized help. Find the full list of details on our blog.

New subscription flow

So you want to upgrade your subscription, or add our new Premium Support Extra to your existing plan. Where do you go? You go to the new Subscription Overview page! It’s designed to make it easy to manage your subscription, whether it’s upgrades or downgrades, adding extras or removing them. It’s part of our fair pricing promise: you’ll never be pressured into upgrading or need to speak with a salesperson to downgrade, you’ll always have full control over your subscription.

The new Subscription Overview page

New resource form

The core of many coworking and flex workspaces comes down to resources, whether that means desks, meeting rooms, phone booths, or services. As a part of our Admin overhaul, we’ve improved this form for usability and preparing for even more additions to what resources can do. Stay tuned!

PayPal invoices

Use PayPal to process payments in your space? Cobot now sends invoice numbers to PayPal instead of invoice IDs. This will make accounting simpler when reconciling PayPal payments with Cobot invoices.

New members screen for Dormakaba

This one’s for all our admins using Dormakaba to handle access control! This integration now has a “members” screen when mobile access is activated. Admins see which of their members are already connected to Dormakaba and can also connect those that aren’t (either with existing Dormakaba profiles or new ones).

Connecting members with Dormakaba (German-language integration)

Dormakaba access groups

It’s a good month for everyone who uses Cobot’s Dormakaba integration. The list of members now shows each person’s access group, an important tool when troubleshooting why someone might not have access. It also now shows a warning when a person loses access because they ran out of time passes—in which case the integration will remove access.

Member questions section

Ever had an issue when a member attempted to upload a document in Cobot but their choice of filetype didn’t match up? Now our Member Questions section allows for more uploaded files, including .eps and .svg files!

Upload .eps and .svg!

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Happy coworking and we’ll see you again next month!


The leading management software for coworking spaces worldwide, trusted by coworking spaces, office hubs, and flexible workspaces of all sizes to grow and manage their communities.