Product Updates

May 2021 Cobot Updates

May 28, 2021
May 2021 Cobot Updates

Hello and welcome to another round of Cobot updates! This month, we’ve streamlined onboarding, network settings, and updated a few useful features that are sure to keep your operations running smoothly. See how Cobot can help you stay ahead of the curve in our May update.

More invoice export options

Here’s one for everyone that wants more options when it comes to exporting your space’s data. Invoices can now be downloaded as XLSX! This is in addition to the previous ability to download invoices as CSV.

Invoices can now be downloaded in XLSX in addition to CSV

Pre-filled member signup fields

Do you already have information on a member who’s signing up? Maybe a form they’ve already filled out, or that conversation they had with your community manager on tour? There’s now a way to make their signup process even easier and reduce errors along the way.

Cut down on signup friction by creating member forms with pre-filled answers—then send them to a prospective member using a generated URL. You can find more info in our help center.

Updated network settings

Let’s say you have a network of spaces. Congratulations! But now you want to rebrand and add a few new locations using the new brand. What used to be a multi-step process is now simpler! Update default mapping behavior, add spaces, and easily change the name of your network with our updated network editing tools.

Networks are how you can create a strong multi-location operation

Improved available booking times

Managing resources doesn’t need to be complicated—but sometimes, it does need to be detailed. To help make this process detailed, clear, and straightforward to use, we’ve clarified the many ways you can define available booking times. You can separate days of the week and times of the day, all using the 12 or 24 hour system.

Finesse your available booking times

We’ve also included an extra tooltip that translates the two-letter day abbreviations for our non-English-speaking workspace operators.

Code keys when you need them

The Coworking Code of Conduct

The way we cowork has changed over the past year. Now we expect more multimedia, fewer in-person activities, and an increased reliance on technology as a facilitator of personal interactions. It’s enabled more people to participate in events of all kinds and expand the accessibility of flexible work to reach more people than ever before. It’s also meant that many existing codes of conduct, including the one our team offers as a free resource, were starting to seem a little out of date.

That’s why members of our team updated the Coworking Code of Conduct to better reflect how we’re working and interacting online as well as in-person. We also added a German translation. Keep an eye out for when we create a public repository so that everyone is free to contribute to this document.

Time passes

Every space is unique, and that means that some workspace operators are going to want the ability to offer daily time pass allowances similar to standard weekly or monthly time passes. Time passes can now be included in a member’s plan per day, in addition to per week or month. Reach out to our support team to ask about how to apply this feature to your space.

Coworking news

Are you a coworking professional, or just interested in the industry, and want to learn more about the Canadian coworking industry? You’re in luck—the Coworking Canada Unconference is right around the corner! It’s going to be the place to connect with global experts, including members of the Cobot team. Hope to see you there!

And as always, if you want to stay connected with the coworking community every month, sign up for our newsletter! It’s full of useful, relevant information and we never spam our lists. Subscribe now to stay in the loop.

Happy coworking!


The leading management software for coworking spaces worldwide, trusted by coworking spaces, office hubs, and flexible workspaces of all sizes to grow and manage their communities.