Having information about your space growth helps you better planning your week. With so many things to do every day, it is hard to find time to take a look at your space’s analytics and stay on top of everything. For over four years, our mission has been to help you get rid of whatever is not directly your job. Help you automate processes in your coworking space so that you can use this time in other more important things — like building your community and improving your space.
Why force you to remember that you need to look at your Cobot analytics when we can use some technical magic and send you and your team a recap of the most important things to look at, straight to your inbox, at the beginning of every week?
Every Monday morning we will send you a weekly status summary about your coworking space. What will you find?
A) New Members
See how many new members are there in your space this week, together with their profile picture so that you remember to drop by and say hi if someone doesn’t ring the bell.
Not seeing a picture? Take the time to ask this person to complete their full Cobot profile. Having a picture is good specially if you plan to use the member’s app. Keep reading!
B) Members leaving
If anyone cancelled their Cobot membership during this week you have already received a notification in your inbox from when the cancellation happened, but this is a reminder. Give people a nice goodbye and let them know ways to keep supporting the community and be part of it.
C) Plan changes
This section shows you how people has changed plans in your space during this week and how it affects your revenue.
D) Billing
The weekly status update includes your billed and paid amount — and helps you keep an eye on outstanding payments.
These figures should give you an idea of how your space is doing and help you make plans for the week. If you want to know more details (i.e. which plans have been changed to which plans, or how much was a leaving member paying) you can always check the full analytics for your space in Cobot. We have a button for that!
The weekly status email also includes things like Cobot pro tips; little tricks that we have came across while using Cobot to manage our coworking space co.up or that other space managers have shared with us.
And because sometimes you may miss stuff from our blog (new features, management tips, notes on coworking conference or visits to coworking spaces…) we will include a post from our blog every week.
Last, but not least… you know we love talking with you and we have included a Cobot at the end of the Weekly Status email to remind you.
Just click it and tell us any questions or feedback you have around Cobot, ask us to be interviewed for our blog, write a guest post for us, or share a pro tip with us.