Product Updates

March 2020 Cobot Updates

Mar 31, 2020
March 2020 Cobot Updates

What a month!

Like many of you, we’re all working from home and working to support our spaces as we all navigate completely unexpected challenges. It can be hard to remember what the world looked like just a month ago. With that in mind, we’ve been working overtime to get new features to you as fast as possible to help you cope with whatever comes your way over the upcoming weeks.

First up, we’ve added a Coronavirus (COVID-19) Status to all of our spaces. Quickly share your status (Open, Closed, or Open to Members) and any additional relevant information with your members. When the news is changing hour by hour, it’s important to have a central source of information that your members can trust to always be up to date.

Want to let your members’ recurring time passes accumulate while your space is closed? You can now turn off recurring time pass expiration, in effect letting the unused passes “roll over.” Encourage your members to continue paying their membership fee and accumulate their recurring benefits even if they can’t enter the physical space. Just contact our support team and we can activate this feature for you.

Make changes to large swaths of your membership using the new bulk plan change feature. Instead of manually transferring each member to a new plan, select whose status you want changes and quickly move them in a group. This can also be used to provide a plan discount by creating a plan at a certain discounted price, and then moving everyone on the old plan to the new plan.

Changing member plans — in bulk!

Our Slack app will be changing, as Slack has decided to take features that were previously available and lock them behind their enterprise level starting in May. That means that in May, our Slack integration will no longer work the same as before. We’ll be sharing more info in April to talk through the changes in detail.

You might feel like a monthly update isn’t frequent enough to keep up with the speed at which things are changing. We agree! That’s why we’ve added a new page on the website where we’re putting all of our latest developments and resources we’ve found to help spaces not only survive, but get through this time stronger than ever. We’re updating it almost every day with the latest developments.

You can read much more in our official statement, but one thing we want to stress is this quote here:

It’s times like these we have to take stock of what’s important and demonstrate our values through our actions. We are committed to supporting independent businesses, freelancers, and others who are affected by the global COVID-19 crisis. After all, we’re a small business made up of many former freelancers from around the world and we’re concerned for the health and safety of our neighbors and friends. If you have concerns, questions, or requests, please reach out to our team and we’ll work to find a solution together.

From our team to yours, we’re wishing you all a safe and healthy start to April.

If you aren’t already using Cobot as your coworking management software, give it a go! You’ll find that our features can help you run your coworking space more effectively and grow your community. Just sign up for a free trial or a live demo session. And if you have questions, our support team is all ears!

Happy Coworking!


The leading management software for coworking spaces worldwide, trusted by coworking spaces, office hubs, and flexible workspaces of all sizes to grow and manage their communities.