Product Updates

June 2021 Updates

Jun 30, 2021
June 2021 Updates

Can you believe how quickly we’re speeding through the season? We’re nearing the end of the month and as always that means it’s time to open our doors and offer the community a look at what we’ve accomplished (and offer a sneak peek of what comes next). Are you ready for Cobot’s June 2021 update?

Pronoun field

The tools we use online should represent us in the way we want to be seen. Member Profiles are one important way that your community members connect digitally—that’s why Cobot’s Member Profiles now include a field for pronouns!

This short field can go a long way toward creating an inclusive environment in your coworking space. Feel free to fill out your own profile right now and let your community know about this option. Visit our help center to learn more about the pronouns field and everything else the Member Profiles can do.

Time passes

Last month we tested out a feature where admins could choose to offer time passes not just per week or per month, but per day as well. We’re happy to say that the response was phenomenal and this feature is now live for all Cobot spaces.

Is this right for your space? It’s perfect for those wishing to offer every member a guaranteed amount of time daily and ensure that members aren’t able to camp out in a particular resource, thereby allowing more of your members to make use of it. For more time pass inspiration, check out our help center guide.


We attended the German Coworking Federation’s latest conference: Cowork2021! It’s an annual look at the latest developments in the German-speaking coworking world. This year, the theme was “Wir sind die Zukunft der Arbeit!” [We are the future of work!] Missed the conference? Don’t speak German? We have an English-language writeup of the event and the workshop we attended.

The COLATAM Summit has begun! We’re sponsoring this virtual conference bringing the Latin American coworking world closer together. See the event page here and get ready for the #1 Latin American coworking experience.

That’s all for June

Thanks for reading! We’ll be back next month with more product and company updates. If you want to stay up-to-date on the latest from Cobot, sign up for our newsletter! It’s the best way to get the latest from Cobot, catch up on the latest news, and hear directly from experts. We promise that we never spam our lists and you can unsubscribe at any time. But we think you’ll be happy you signed up.

Take care and happy coworking!


The leading management software for coworking spaces worldwide, trusted by coworking spaces, office hubs, and flexible workspaces of all sizes to grow and manage their communities.