Product Updates

January 2021 Cobot Updates

Jan 29, 2021
January 2021 Cobot Updates

A new year is always a welcome gift—this year more than ever. And in this spirit of reinvigoration and renewal, we’ve been putting an emphasis on adding more features, improving our existing ones, and even growing our team! Read on to see what we’ve been working on at Cobot.

Control your email volume

Here’s one for all the admins out there who would like to reduce the volume of messages they receive from the system. There’s now a new menu that allows admins to opt-out of receiving select email notifications!

To change your own settings, just click on your photo in the top right, select Admin Profile Settings, then uncheck any notifications that you would prefer not to receive. It’s easier than ever to manage your own admin experience.

Warnings when editing or deleting custom member questions

Before admins edit or delete custom member questions, there will now be a pop up window that explains that this will affect all existing members’ fields. It’s a small change but will make it clearer what happens when an admin changes or removes custom membership questions.

Just a heads-up!

Recording payment warning

Recording payments is a core part of member management and making sure your invoices are accurate. Admins now see a warning when they record a payment that does not fits certain requirements. For example:

  • When a payment will increase outstanding credit or increase outstanding payment due.
  • Payment will result in outstanding credit or payment due when there was none before.

This makes it easier to see how the recorded payment will affect the member’s balance.

CSV format changes

Previously, in our CSV exports, numbers were recognized as text, which caused issues when running certain calculations in spreadsheet programs. Now, the numbers from memberships, invoicing, and bookings are recognized by spreadsheet programs as numbers, which should allow better calculations after the export.

Improved usability for networks

Networks is an Add-on designed to streamline memberships across multi-space operations. If your space is expanding across multiple locations we’ve improved the interface and functionally so that it’s easier and more powerful.

  • The interface now better explains what each option does.
  • It shows the default option in the Plan Mappings Overview.
  • You can now choose to only synchronize members that have a mapping setup when you create a new network.


In case you haven’t already seen this, Cobot is hiring! We’re looking for a Berlin-based Frontend/JS Developer who wants to be a part of our team.

The role will involve working with JavaScript and CSS developers to maintain, improve, and extend Cobot’s UI and build a fast, accessible, and beautiful frontend in Cobot. It’s a role that offers a direct impact in the quality of our product and the happiness of our customers.

We offer competitive benefits and compensation, including flexible hours, a generous vacation policy, remote benefits, a workplace with both a Code of Conduct and a Works Council, and a team that genuinely cares about each other!

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, we encourage you to apply!

Thanks for reading, we’ll see you next month and happy coworking!


The leading management software for coworking spaces worldwide, trusted by coworking spaces, office hubs, and flexible workspaces of all sizes to grow and manage their communities.