Product Updates

February 2023 Cobot Updates

Feb 28, 2023
February 2023 Cobot Updates

Hello to you all! Time is really flying by, isn’t it? This month we focused on improving one of our most-used features—bookings! Read on to see all the ways they just got more powerful and easier to use.

External Bookings Products & Services

Are you already using External Bookings to increase your coworking space's revenue potential? One of the most requested features by admins was the ability for visitors to add extras to their bookings at the time they made those bookings.

Good news: Admins can now add Booking Extras!

Admins can now choose which Products & Services will be available for each resource, and visitors can apply them to their booking during checkout. Visitors can easily add projectors, whiteboards, extra tables, or other items during the process. Additional charges can also be added for extras, leading to even more revenue.

Adding extras to External Bookings is now simple and powerful

Please note: This feature replaces Service Charges in the navigation.

Complete External Booking details in calendar

Speaking of External Bookings, another oft-requested feature was the ability to see complete booking details directly in the calendar. You may be able to guess what we added this month…

All data related to an External Booking is now visible directly from the calendar! Find details like visitor contact data, number of visitors, and Booked Extras. Save even more time for your admins while easily managing your External Bookings.

Shortcut to edit billing and manage your subscription

Need to update your space’s payment method, or upgrade to add more members? You’ll now find a shortcut link to do just that in your account navigation (the dropdown you see when clicking on your avatar).

Offer half- and full-day bookings at fixed prices

One last update for bookings, but it’s a big one: Bookings can now be configured to support fixed rates.

Offer half- or full-day pricing with Cobot’s booking features

Why is this such a big deal? Well, it means that coworking spaces can now offer meeting rooms at half-day and full-day rates. When not using fixed rates, booking are still priced hourly, and admins can make this even more attractive by setting up discounts for longer bookings, or set a price cap on very long bookings.

All pricing options can be set and individualized for both member and external bookings.

The Global Coworking Survey

We’ve partnered again with Deskmag to gather insights on the state of the coworking industry. That means we are asking you to help them out by participating in the 2023 Global Coworking Survey.

It only takes a few moments to complete the survey and the summarized results will be freely available when they’ve been compiled.

Everyone involved in coworking in any capacity is invited to participate, whether you’re a coworker, an employee, or you run a space yourself. If you’re reading this article, that probably means you!

Coworking in your inbox

Want more news, offers, and updates directly in your inbox? Just sign up and we’ll help you stay in the loop! We only include relevant information and we never spam our lists.

That’s it for now, happy coworking!


The leading management software for coworking spaces worldwide, trusted by coworking spaces, office hubs, and flexible workspaces of all sizes to grow and manage their communities.