Product Updates

February 2021 Cobot Updates

Feb 26, 2021
February 2021 Cobot Updates

We’re well into 2021 and have been seeing so many heartening stories of resilience, creativity, and ingenuity from our community. Our team is inspired! On our side, we’ve been working diligently to address our community’s needs and continue to offer the latest in flexible workspace technology. Read on to see what we did in our February 2021 Cobot update!

Reconnect with ezeep

Previously, there was a minor issue with ezeep where members who were not connected—either through deletion or by never confirming their membership with ezeep—would be unable to reconnect to ezeep later if they decided they wanted to. Now admins can go to the ezeep Add-on page and simply select “Re-Connect” to set up a disconnected account as though they were connecting for the first time.

Reconnect members with ezeep’s printing service

Schedule a call

Cobot has always offered personal demo calls with our support team; it’s one of the ways we get to demonstrate our value and the advantages of using Cobot to manage your space. For everyone who goes to schedule a free support call with our team, the interface just got a whole lot nicer! Visitors can select their time slot by language instead of support team member, an intuitive way of booking time with our Cobot experts.

Our support team is waiting to hear from you!

Updated Tip Jar

The Tip Jar is one of our favorite Add-ons, and we know it’s one of the most well used and well-loved Add-ons among our selection. It’s a simple and fun way to offer your community a way to pay it back or pay it forward! Whether that means paying for coffee and other services in their invoice or just a member who wants to express how much they appreciate their community managers—the Tip Jar facilitates these interactions. This month we decided to do something fun and translate the Tip Jar into Spanish and German!

The Tip Jar in Spanish

Public Partner section

We work with and support numerous organizations and professionals who are leading the world of coworking and flexible work forward. We decided it was time to publicly thank these partners on our website for all their work demonstrating the values of the coworking industry every day. You can already check out a few of our partners at the bottom of our homepage and soon there will be a whole section dedicated to the work we’re doing together.

A sneak peek at our partners

We’re hiring!

Have you read this far? Do you live in Berlin? Are you a JS developer?

We’re currently looking for a Frontend/JS Developer to work with our Product Development team! You’ll get the opportunity to work with dedicated developers making a direct impact on the quality of our product and the happiness of our users.

See if this would be the right fit for you and apply!

Connect with Cobot

Have you signed up for our newsletter yet? It’s a monthly resource where we get to share the latest coworking news, product updates, fun photos, and exclusive opportunities with our closest community. We never spam our lists and you can unsubscribe at any time, but we think you’ll find that it’s a great opportunity to stay in the loop on the latest in the coworking movement.

Happy coworking! See you again in March 👋


The leading management software for coworking spaces worldwide, trusted by coworking spaces, office hubs, and flexible workspaces of all sizes to grow and manage their communities.