Hi there,
Here are the highlights of what we shipped last month:
Introducing Cost Centers

Manage your finances more effectively with our new Cost Centers feature. You can now create cost centers and assign them to your products, services, and events. This functionality ensures more organization by automatically allocating them to the right cost center, helping you keep your costs under control. Enable cost centers in your invoice settings.
Custom Fields Now on Member Pages

Easily view specific relevant information about your members with custom fields now available on the member page in the admin portal. Select which custom fields you want to display under Setup » Custom Fields for a more tailored member profile view.
Salto: Automatically Deactivate Members
Streamline your access control with our updated Salto integration. When a membership is inactive on Cobot, the member is automatically deactivated on Salto, ensuring that they no longer have access to the space and are not counted towards your Salto subscription. Enable this feature in your Salto integration settings.
Improved Zapier Trigger for New Memberships
Gain better control over your membership automation with the updated Zapier trigger for confirmed memberships, now including a confirmed_at field for more precise automation.
Help Us Make Cobot Better For You
Would you like to help us improve our product for spaces like yours? Join our beta tester program! As a beta tester, you'll be the first to hear about upcoming product changes and have a direct impact on our product development. Let us know at support@cobot.me if you want to participate.