Bisner and Cobot: into the new way of working

This post was originally written by Bisner

CU Asia is starting on the 8th of February and one of the main topic of the unconference concerns the new way of working.

The new way of working can quickly be described in three keywords (Taliotis, 2016):

  • the need for working flexibility
  • the growing importance of conducting a meaningful work
  • the rise of the coworking phenomenon.

As partners, Bisner and Cobot ally forces to help towards this transition and to facilitate the expansion of the coworking phenomenon.

Cobot is the back-end solution to support managers starting their coworking space. It makes coworking space creation more accessible by offering tools from billing to activity reports.

Bisner is the front-end solution to help managers give the best to their communities. By giving managers their fully customizable platform, Bisner empowers members to be engaged and feel part of their community.

Bisner and Cobot are the perfect partnership to describe the new way of working. Together and through their solution, they help workers get more flexibility and more meaning out of their working activity.

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