Product Updates

August 2022 Cobot Updates

Sep 1, 2022
August 2022 Cobot Updates

August in our hometown of Berlin is a time for long sunny hours spent outside and traveling. Despite the call of the outdoors, we continued to add new features and updates to Cobot so that every Cobot-powered space is ready to finish the summer strong and be ready for the back-to-the-office rush. What’s in store for you when you log back in? See for yourself in our August update!

Member birthday notifications

Never forget to wish your members a very happy birthday on their special day!

We now send you a daily reminder listing the birthdays in your space. Additionally, you can activate automated happy birthday emails to these members.

If you turn this feature on, members who have entered their date of birth in their member profile will receive a congratulatory message on their birthday sent from your space.

Ready to start sending those messages right away? You can already activate this feature under Customize » Features. And while we’ve added some fun generic copy, it’s easy to customize your own message by going to Customize » Emails.

Update your subdomain

Did you wake up one morning and decide to change the name of your coworking space after years of operation? Or maybe you realized you made a typo? Either way (or for any other completely unrelated reason) you can now change your subdomain from within your Cobot account.

What is a subdomain? You can think of it as the area in the beginning of the URL where your space lives, like It’s how the system knows who you are and how members can find you.

In the Setup section, where you used to see a greyed-out subdomain field, you’ll now have the option to update your subdomain with whatever you want. It’s as easy as that!

An important note about this update for Cobot API users: For technical reasons, API access still goes through the original subdomain.

Easily add external bookings to a calendar with .ics

When a visitor registers an external booking, you want them to have a seamless experience from the very first second. One point of friction they can now avoid is adding their newly-confirmed booking to their calendar of choice.

After visitors confirm, their confirmation email now includes an .ics file. This small addition will eliminate a host of additional steps and make your visitors’ experience even more streamlined.

More intuitive changing of membership renewal dates

Previously, changing a member’s renewal date to a day more than a month in the future caused certain charges to not be invoiced until that date. With the change, charges are added to each monthly invoice as you would expect.

KISI 2.0

Use KISI’s access control setup in your space? Our KISI integration is now compatible with the major KISI update on the horizon. If you use the KISI system to manage access to your space, you should have already received communication from them on what this means for your setup.

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Happy coworking! More updates to come in September...


The leading management software for coworking spaces worldwide, trusted by coworking spaces, office hubs, and flexible workspaces of all sizes to grow and manage their communities.