Product Updates

April 2021 Cobot Updates

Apr 30, 2021
April 2021 Cobot Updates

We’re seeing the signs of spring around us here in Berlin! As much as we’d like to go outside and frolic in the sun (just kidding, nothing but rain here) our team has buckled down and made a few massive updates to keep Cobot-powered spaces in the ideal position to take advantage of whatever opportunities arise. Find out exactly how Cobot has improved in our April update!

Payment improvements

Purchasing passes (like day passes or time passes) is one of the core features of Cobot, and one of the simplest ways to manage day-to-day operations in a busy space. There used to be a few edge cases where multiple tax rates could cause issues with purchasing passes. This change means that not only are these edge cases no longer an issue, but we’ve laid the groundwork to prepare Cobot for even more future improvements.

Speaking of day passes, there are some cases in which non-members are going to need to pay for your space’s services. In these cases, non-members now have the option to pay via PayPal! It’s a simple and widely accepted payment method; using PayPal, it’s easier than ever to get non-members into your space. Keep an eye out for even more payment methods on the horizon...

There have also been a number of smaller, but no less important, payment updates:

  • Refunds and cancellations are better represented in your records.
  • Non-member invoices are viewable by non-members in the Cobot interface.
  • If PayPal is set up, then the payment link for non-members is added in their invoice email.
It’s easier than ever to generate revenue from non-members

Readability Improvements

Visual clarity and accessibility are important to us and vital to the strength of our product. Our team took the time to adjust alignment and color contrast across the app in order to improve readability. You may not notice the changes, but they will make it easier to parse information and keep Cobot accessible.

Code of Conduct

We sponsored the April Coworking IDEA Project challenge! The challenge involved updating your membership agreements and codes of conduct to make them more comprehensive and welcoming tools in your space. We’ve been working on updating the Coworking Code of Conduct, but in the meantime, we added a few organizations to our list of sponsors that you can check out on the code’s website. If you don’t already have a membership agreement or code of conduct, this is a great resource to get you started.

The Coworking Code of Conduct template

Updated translation

One of our favorite add-ons just keeps learning new languages: The Tip Jar is now available in French! We love it because it’s a simple way to strengthen your community and get direct feedback by offering members the ability to pay for small items on a pay-what-you-like basis or just show their appreciation for your space.

Speak French? We have a Tip Jar option just for you!

Webinars and on-demand sessions

Our Head of Support Amanda spoke with Robert from ezeep to discuss a 360 overview of the Cobot - ezeep integration. From setting up to printing and everything in between, we answered some common questions and shared why it’s more important than ever to get a handle on printing!

Next week we’ll be joining Sensorberg, one of our access control partners, for a webinar in which we’ll cover the strengths of our integration and a few things you might not know. Register in advance to get the link and learn how access control technology can help future-proof your space.

We can’t wait to discuss the benefits of access control technology

What else?

As always, we invite you to sign up for the Cobot newsletter where we share monthly updates in coworking, Cobot, and other fun (and relevant!) industry news. We’ll see you again next month with more Cobot updates, improvements, and developments.

Happy coworking!


The leading management software for coworking spaces worldwide, trusted by coworking spaces, office hubs, and flexible workspaces of all sizes to grow and manage their communities.