Product Updates

April 2020 Cobot Updates

Apr 30, 2020
April 2020 Cobot Updates

It feels like April just flew by! But these strange times haven’t slowed our team down; we’re adapting to the reality of long-term home office and using this time to focus on our core values and quality. Over the course of the month our team has continued to update, improve, and streamline Cobot so that you can handle any challenges that come your way.

Improved Analytics

We’ve upgraded the abilities of the Cobot Analytics section! Admins of multi-location spaces used to only be able to look at numbers from a single location at a time. Now our multi-location customers can toggle viewing all of their Members and Revenue data in one place! Sort and compare by field and quickly export the relevant data. You can also export CSV files of the New Member, Up/Downgrades, and Cancellations.

Manage Membership Page

On your members’ dashboard, when they take a look at their plan options, there is now a Manage Membership button. This will bring them to a new page where they can see an overview of their plan and options to contact your space. You can control the content shown here, including a COVID-19 text box that encourages members to contact you before canceling, allowing you to control the narrative. You can adjust and modify this section by going to Customize » Features in your admin section.

The new Manage Membership page

Easier Message Drafting

Admins are now able to compose a new message to members directly from Admin » Messages. In addition, it’s now easier to fill in the recipient field by searching for members’ names directly. As a fun bonus, we’ve added avatars to Cobot’s message views so you get a better, more personal view of everyone you’re talking to! We’ve also cleaned up the New Message page for ease-of-use.

Search for members in the To: field and see their avatars!

Bulk Plan Changes

In March, we added a new bulk plan change feature. It was incredibly poular right out of the gate! This month, we took the feedback that we received and used it to refine the tool further. Now, when bulk changing members’ plans, admins can set a custom invoice date (for example, if you want to change the price of a plan — next week), and now you can track the progress of the bulk updater tool with a progress bar. This makes it clearer when the bulk plan change process is complete!

Ready for May!

That’s it for April, we hope that you’re all staying safe and healthy out there. And don’t forget, if you ever want to check in on what our latest developments are, you should check out our dedicated COVID-19 resource page. It’s got the latest features, articles, and community resources for you to explore.

As always, let us know your feature requests or comments — we look forward to hearing from you. Take care out there and happy coworking!

If you aren’t already using Cobot as your coworking management software, give it a go! You’ll find that our features can help you run your coworking space more effectively and grow your community. Just sign up for a free trial or a live demo session. And if you have questions, our support team is all ears!


The leading management software for coworking spaces worldwide, trusted by coworking spaces, office hubs, and flexible workspaces of all sizes to grow and manage their communities.