September 2019 Cobot Updates

Can you believe September is already over? We’ve had an eventful month (check out our climate strike statement and debrief) but we haven’t slowed down our schedule of updating Cobot to better meet your needs. What’d we add in September?

Admin Features

First up, we’ve improved the workflow for admin booking features. Now, when an admin goes to a member’s profile in the members section of the admin panel, they’ll find the option to see that member’s bookings and to add a booking. When the link is clicked, it directs to the calendar page where the admin can add a booking with the member’s information already filled out.

Access your members’ bookings directly from their member page

This leads to our next update. When an admin enters in the details of a booking, they now see a price preview before confirming the booking. This will make it easier to understand at a glance what your member can expect if they wish to book a resource.

See a price preview before confirming the booking

Analytics and Add-ons

The design of the Analytics section has been improved to better showcase your space’s numbers in a format that ties in with the other Cobot design updates. It’s now cleaner and easier to parse the information contained in this section.

Our bookings CSV download has been improved to show whether a booking used credits or time passes. Be aware that this info will change if the booking is later edited or deleted.

Updated analytics interface

Payment Services Directive

In accordance with the new European privacy regulations, we’ve updated all of our European spaces to be compliant with the Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2). If you’re not located n Europe, then you won’t notice any changes. If you are in Europe, then all you need to know is that some payment actions will require an extra confirmation from the member.

If you want to know more about how this affects your space, take a look at our blog post outlining the PSD2 and what it means for Cobot spaces.

And that’s a wrap for September!

Stay tuned for more updates and information in October. And don’t forget, you can stay in the loop on these and other Cobot news by signing up for the Cobot newsletter! It’s our best way to stay in touch and we promise that we’ll never spam our list. And if you ever have any suggestions or comments, don’t hestitate to reach out to our support team anytime.

If you aren’t already using Cobot as your coworking management software, give it a go! You’ll find that our features can help you run your coworking space more effectively and grow your community. Just sign up for a free trial or a live demo session. And if you have questions, our support team is all ears!

Happy Coworking!