Member directory

At its core cobot is a software for managing coworking spaces. Thanks to its API it can be much more than that, it can be a platform for other service that leverage and extend the data we already have on cobot. One example for that is our new member directory app which we simply call coworkers.

As soon as someone from a space signs into the app it transfers his basic membership data and the space to the member directory. People then have a public directory of the people who work at a coworking space. Here’s our space co.up

In addition to the information from cobot the app also asks for things like profession and skills. Not stopping there space admins can enter additional questions for their coworkers.

To round this up coworking spaces can embed the list into their own website. When you log into coworkers as a space admin you can find instructions on how to do that at the bottom of the list of coworkers.