March 2024 Cobot Updates

As March draws to a close, we're pleased to introduce the latest updates to Cobot, designed to enhance the management of coworking spaces.

These improvements aim to streamline operations, improve user experiences, and facilitate efficient space management. Let's explore the highlights:

Members & Space Management

Calendar Blockers & Open Hours

Introducing Cobot's New Features: Calendar Blocker and Open Hours

With calendar blockers, you can mark off holidays, renovation days, and other closures, preventing bookings during these times and reducing manual management. Open Hours makes it easy to let members and visitors know what your regular hours are.

Check out our comprehensive guide on setting up open hours and calendar blockers here.

Recurring Minimum Commitment for Membership Plans

Balancing Flexibility and Commitment: Cobot's Membership Options

Admins can now set membership plans to auto-renew with the same minimum commitment period.

Separate Address Fields

Have separate address fields activated? The form now warns you when a member's address needs updating.

Also new: Canadian spaces using this will have properly formatted addresses with the postal code at the end.

Integrations & Add-ons

Salto Member Status Page

Enhanced Security and Efficiency: Salto Member Status Page

Admins can now directly access a member's status page from the Salto integration page, making it easy to check a member’s Salto access status. Learn more about setting up custom fields and exporting custom field data here.

Removed Covid Tracking from Members Checked-in Bot

The Members Checked-in bot had a feature to track the Covid-19 status of people checking into your space, which was helpful during the peak of the crisis. This feature is no longer needed, so we've removed it.

Public Pages

Improved Homepage Navigation for Logged In Admins

We've improved navigation for admins. Now, clicking on public pages won't redirect them to the dashboard, saving you some clicks and avoiding confusion.

And that concludes our March update!

Happy Coworking!

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