Keeping it simple: Included Time Passes

We just rolled out another major change in cobot: the removal of the days included per week/month option in plans.

A long time ago this was introduced as a means to provide part time plans to members. Later came day passes, which then turned into more flexible time passes. At this point we had a problem, in that we now had time passes that were very flexible (valid during any time of the day) but included days (always a whole day), which were less flexible than time passes, and the two features also duplicated each other’s functionality. Time to clean up.

With the removal of days included we were able to throw away a good amount of code and also a few pages and elements from the website, making things a bit simpler again. At the same time we now allow a plan to include any number of time passes. With this you can now have plans that for example include a certain number half day passes per week or night time passes per month.

For a step by step guide see our updated guides.

One more thing: during the migration we also switched to new, more powerful server hardware (which is very easy for us since we are hosted on Scalarium/Amazon EC2 instances). Cobot now runs on 5 times the CPU power compared to before. You should notice that the site has become much more responsive.