June 2023 Cobot Updates

Conference season may be over, but we've been hard at work these first few weeks of summer. From shipping updates to fine-tuning improvements made just for you, read on to see what's new this month!

Time Passes

A clear and concise way to market your time passes

We have cleaned up the way time passes and bulk discounts are presented throughout the app and on your Cobot sign-up page. Your leads and members can now easily understand all of your time pass offers at a glance. As a bonus, we redesigned the overview of your plan templates for a visually cleaner plan management experience.

External Bookings Improvements

External visitors can now enter a title when making a booking in your space. This makes it easier to identify the purpose of a booking when navigating the calendar and managing your incoming bookings.

To further assist you in managing external bookings, we have also added a field for adding comments to external bookings. This helps your staff track important details when preparing visitor bookings.

Finally, email reminders for external bookings now include the chosen payment method, ensuring that admins and visitors can see the full details of their booking in their inbox.

All Your Products on Your Cobot Homepage

See at a glance everything your space has to offer

Your space offers not only memberships, but also meeting rooms through Cobot's powerful External Booking Portal?

Now, your Cobot homepage will display both your membership offerings and a link to your bookable resources, ensuring that your prospects find the full spectrum of what your space has to offer.

Previously, there was no shared navigation, but this has now been fixed, directing valuable traffic to both your membership and meeting room products, and improving SEO for your room products as a side effect.

Note: If you prefer to hide either membership offers or external bookings from your homepage, you can adjust this under Customize » Features » Signup.

Timeline View for Bookings

A clearer picture of all your bookings

Managing many bookings at the same time can be tough, especially when your calendar looks too crowded… Our new timeline view makes this problem a thing of the past, It’s an alternative way to get a clean overview of all the bookings that are happening in your space. Now out of beta and available to all spaces.

Luckey by Sofia Locks

Cobot now supports even more access integrations—Luckey, created by Sofia Locks, is the newest in our wide array of integrations. It is available in the add-ons section of your admin portal. You’ll find more information about our access integrations in our Door Access Overview, and specifics about Luckey in our comprehensive Luckey Connect Guide for admins.

Salto Connectivity Notifications

We have implemented an automated notification system for admins working with Salto access systems. Although this does not happen often, in the event of connection loss, you will receive an email and a notification will be posted to the activity feed of your admin dashboard. This ensures that you are immediately alerted to any potential connectivity issues.

Easier Subscription Management

Your Cobot subscription, made easier

We have redesigned the experience of managing your Cobot subscription and introduced a more flexible pricing model. The core subscription can now be easily adjusted in increments of five members, and extras such as External Bookings, Radius Wi-Fi, and Premium Support can all be managed on a single page.

Seamless Space Reactivation

For spaces that are on hold due to unpaid invoices, we have made reactivation easy and automated. All you need to do is pay your outstanding invoices directly from your Cobot invoices page, and let us take care of the rest. No more delays, no more calls to support—your space will be reactivated automatically and instantly.

Help us make Cobot better for you

Want to help us improve our product for coworking spaces and hybrid offices like yours? Join our beta tester program! As a beta tester, you'll be the first to know about upcoming product changes, have a chance to make your voice heard, and have a direct impact on our product development. Simply contact us at support@cobot.me and let us know that you would like to join our beta testing program.

If you aren’t already using Cobot as your coworking management software, give it a go! You’ll find that our features can help you run your coworking space more effectively and grow your community. Just sign up for a free trial or a live demo session. And if you have questions, our support team is all ears!

Make sure to check in next month for more updates, happy coworking!