June 2022 Cobot Updates

Another month means even more updates! This June we added SALTO KS mobile access and more member portal booking hints. If you’re eager to learn what to look for the next time you log in, then read on!

SALTO KS mobile access for members

If you use Salto’s access control tools to manage your coworking space, good news! Your members can now use their mobile phones as keys. That means you can stop keeping track of physical tags for good.

How does it work?

When you connect your members to Salto in Cobot, Salto will automatically send them an email invitation to set up mobile access. Members can then download the Salto mobile app from the PlayStore or iStore and get themselves opening doors in no time.

Once they’ve done that, there won’t be much to see in Cobot, but if you head over to your Salto dashboard you’ll get a view of which members have installed the app and, if need be, can re-send someone their invitation.

More visible availability hints in the member portal

Ever had members confused about why they can’t book a resource, when they know they have enough credits and passes?

Now members will see a helpful hint on the booking screen that lets them know why a booking can’t be made. If the reason has to do with available booking times, the available times will be highlighted so that they can make adjustments without needing to ask a community manager. Resource bookings are key to delivering your members great service, and helping members resolve problems quickly themselves is essential.

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Happy coworking!

If you aren’t already using Cobot as your coworking management software, give it a go! You’ll find that our features can help you run your coworking space more effectively and grow your community. Just sign up for a free trial or a live demo session. And if you have questions, our support team is all ears!

Happy Coworking!