June 2020 Cobot Updates

The summer is here! We spent June working on ways to keep you connected and adapt to the constantly-changing coworking landscape. Find out what that means for your coworking space below.

Our New Support Packages

Are you just getting started using Cobot and want to bring your staff up-to-speed quickly? Or are you a long-time Cobot user who feels like you’re not quite making the most of our integrations, analytics, and booking features? In either case (and for every case in-between), our new Support Packages are there for you!

More info on our Support Packages

Each session is led by one of our Senior Support Specialists who will tailor the time specifically to you and your space’s needs. Normal support will remain free and our demo calls will also stay unchanged, but if you really want a solid block of time to ask questions, get feedback, and have an expert help fill out the details — then book a Support Package!

Curious how our support packages can help your space? Find more information in our launch post.

German Temporary VAT Change

Yesterday, the German goverment passed legislation that will temporarily lower VAT in the country. We’ve already updated Cobot to accommodate the new tax rates and automatically handle invoices and billing given the new requirements. Do you have any questions about how this will work? We’ve put together an article outlining some common questions about the German VAT change and how it will affect coworking spaces.

New Status Page

We’ve always offered our current status as a tool for anyone who uses Cobot. But we’ve added a new status page with detailed information and statistics on the current Cobot status, including:

  • Website
  • CMS
  • Custom Domains
  • Operational
  • Admin Interface
  • RADIUS Integration
  • Ezeep Print Integration
  • Google Calendar Sync
  • Radius Servers
The new Cobot status page

Go to https://status.cobot.me/ and see the status page in action!

Your Logos on the Homepage

We’ve been updating the homepage and now you can see a selection of spaces that use Cobot to manage their operations. If you’d like your logo added to our rotating list of organizations, please reach out to us at support@cobot.me. We’re proud to be working with so many spaces and organizations making a difference in their communities.

So many stellar spaces, we wish we could share every logo all at once!

We want to hear from you!

Want to put what makes you unique into writing? Want to drive traffic to your website and reach new audiences? Share your story as a testimonial on our website! We’ll post a link to your website and share what you have to say on social media. Just send us an email at communication@cobot.me.

Want to stay connected between updates? Join our mailing list! We only share relevant Cobot and Coworking news and we never spam our lists. You can sign up right now on our website.

If you aren’t already using Cobot as your coworking management software, give it a go! You’ll find that our features can help you run your coworking space more effectively and grow your community. Just sign up for a free trial or a live demo session. And if you have questions, our support team is all ears!

Happy Coworking!