Diving Deeper into Cobot — get started to manage your space easily

Here at Cobot, we get many new companies creating an account each day. You probably experienced one of our personal getting started sessions. This is one of the best parts of our job, because it includes directly speaking to you — our new and existing spaces.

We love answering your questions and helping you solve your problems to make the management experience as smooth as possible. As some questions come up regularly, we thought it might be a great help, too, to create some screencasts explaining daily routines with Cobot. This will allow you to go through the basics with these tutorials from our team whenever you want. That way when you contact us with questions we can dive right into the complicated questions we love!

And this is where you come in — you are our reflection board. Tell us what you want to see for our next screencasts! Write your suggestions to support@cobot.me

Our First Screencast is already available

We decided to start with something simple — Getting Started with Cobot.

Our first screencast will walk you through Cobot’s complete interface and explain basic topics like setting up your space, adding plans, completing invoicing settings, registering members profiles and analyzing space activities. We hope you will enjoy it and it helps you to get more easily oriented. Your feedback and questions are welcome.

The next time someone asks you what software you use to manage your space — pass it along! (Look we are already saving you time too!)

You can look forward to more screencasts and including more advanced topics in the coming months.

Until then — happy coworking!

Your Cobot team