Coworking in Buenos Aires

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The Cobot team is proud to highlight the vibrant, diverse, and remarkable Latin American coworking scene. This series of articles uncovers the character of coworking across the American continents.

Photo: Andrea Leopardi

Coworking in Argentina

Capital: Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA)
Population: City (CABA) 2.9M / Gran Buenos Aires (metropolitan area) 13.5M *
Number of coworking spaces *: 62 in Buenos Aires / 100 in Argentina *
Average monthly coworking rate *: $57 USD/month (ARS 2.091/month)
Daniela Gutman

We talked to Daniela Gutman COO of La Maquinita. Founded in 2012 and with nine different spaces, it’s the coworking space with the most locations in Argentina.

The Maquinita is one of those spaces that have been growing and evolving to become a better version of themselves. If you manage a coworking space, you already know how difficult it is to grow without losing your authenticity. When it comes to coworking in Buenos Aires, there is also the challenge of facing an increasingly competitive market. This is the context in which La Maquinita has been able to develop its franchise model.

Do you think there’s a common LATAM coworking scene, or there are different markets?

I think that each market is very different from other markets.

What is the status of coworking in your city and your country? Do you have to do a lot of education around the term “coworking”, or are people familiar with the concept?

The change that took place in Buenos Aires regarding the state of coworking over just a few years is incredible. In 2013, there were 4 or 5 coworking spaces and almost nobody had heard of the term. Today the number of spaces has grown exponentially and the concept has become very familiar, especially among young professionals.

What makes the coworking community in your country special? What are the challenges involved in operating a coworking space in your country?

The main challenge for coworking today is finding a way to stand out and distinguish yourself from the rest. The market is becoming increasingly competitive, and in a few years we will probably see the proposals that failed to offer value start to disappear.

La Maquinita

What does coworking mean to you personally?

I see coworking as a platform that serves to promote the growth of projects and careers and as a proposal that represents a paradigm shift in the world of work.

We offer a way of working based on a practical approach: making sure that people can spend 100% of their time on their business and on generating connections that impact them positively.

La Maquinita

We like good coworking in all shapes and sizes. If you are visiting Buenos Aires and want to try different locations by the same coworking operator, La Maquinita is without a doubt a great option.

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