Coworking and Nicaraguan Coffee in Buenos Aires

The Cobot team is proud to highlight the vibrant, diverse, and remarkable Latin American coworking scene. This series of articles uncovers the character of coworking across the American continents.

Photo by Andrea Leopardi
Coworking in Argentina
Capital: Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA)
Population: City (CABA) 2.9M / Gran Buenos Aires (metropolitan area) 13.5M *
Number of coworking spaces *: 62 in Buenos Aires / 100 in Argentina *
Average monthly coworking rate *: $57 USD/month (ARS 2.091/month)
Photo: Baptiste Cassez

A little over a year ago, Baptiste Cassez co-founded Café Flor in Buenos Aires: a café and coworking space inspired by the Parisians Nuage Café and Unicorners. Café Flor became the first coworking café in Buenos Aires, and its clients say they have found the ideal formula: a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere, millennial-friendly decoration, a good Wi-Fi connection and above all good coffee.

Café Flor is a modern coworking space where offices are mixed with open space and coffee. Its open nature lets freelancers, digital nomads, entrepreneurs and tourists find refuge in this space.

We spoke with Baptiste and asked him to tell us a little more about the concept behind Café Flor and share his point of view about the coworking scene in Buenos Aires.

Although coworking has been evolving in Buenos Aires for many years, Baptiste believes it is too new of a phenomenon to talk about a common scenario for Latin America. “In Buenos Aires, we still have to explain coworking a bit, although it happens less and less.” Currently the biggest challenge according to him has more to do with the Argentine economy, which experienced 16% inflation in the first semester of 2018, than with coworking itself.

Photos Café Flor

Although it is a coworking café, when Baptiste explains Café Flor’s values and advantages it is clear that they are not far from those of any good coworking space: sharing space, transfer of knowledge, connecting people, serendipity…

We like good coworking in all its shapes and sizes. If you visit Buenos Aires and you want to try a different space, Café Flor is without a doubt a great option.

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