Cobot Simplifies the White-Label Process

Sorry, but this article is out of date. That said, it’s still very simple to white-label your Cobot experience at no extra cost. We no longer have any such thing as a "Pro" plan, all core features are included in all tiers: including white-label functionality!

One of the most important things for our spaces that have selected the Cobot Pro-Plan is that Cobot will run on your own Custom sub-domain. Your members will never know that Cobot is helping your space run so smoothly — they will think you are just that good!

Instead of seeing Cobot in the domain name,

it will look like it comes right from your website.


We wanted to let you know that we have been doing some behind-the-scenes work on this process to automate it.

You heard us right, we don’t only automate your management of your space, but also our management of all your spaces!

The Details

  1. We have switched to a new provider that will allow us to do this automated registration
  2. The entire configuration process is now automated. As long as you have correctly setup your DNS Settings everything will be ready almost instantly!
  3. Same is true for if/when you need to change the domain in the future

Why is this important?

BEFORE: The process involved waiting for our team to get the support ticket, do a manual registration process on our end, and then hope that the DNS settings were correct before we had to work on the ticket again somewhere in our queue.

NOW: We can do just the important part, supporting you to setup your DNS correctly and helping you negotiating the jungle of service providers!. Everything else Cobot takes care of — that’s service.

It is important because the more of our work we can automate, the better we can serve our spaces. It is same philosophy that we started Cobot with: automating your workflow, so that you have more time to spend on, with, and for your coworkers.

Next Steps

If you are in trial mode — give it a shot (it’s free)

If you are in Pro-plan — your renewal process is also automated now!

If you are in Coworking-plan — it is never too late to upgrade.

As always, We will continue to improve Cobot so that all of us have more time to spend on the things that really matter!

Happy Coworking,

Your Cobot Team