March 2022 Cobot Updates

There’s so much to discover in this month’s update! Next time you log into Cobot you’ll find updates to the Booking Calendar, alongside enhanced SALTO functionality and more. Read on to discover what the Cobot team added in March.

Enhanced SALTO KS permissions through Cobot

Do you use SALTO to manage door access in your coworking, flex, or hybrid workspace? Ensuring that members can access the right areas at the right time is even easier—you can now limit coworkers’ access if members are short on time passes. When they want to regain access, members can purchase another pass to restore access to extra amenities.

GoCardless integration supported in more countries

If you’re based in Canada, the U.S., Switzerland, New Zealand, or Poland, and have been waiting to use GoCardless as your Cobot payment gateway, then we have good news: now you can!

Head over to Setup » Automated Payments to connect your account with Cobot at no extra cost. All subscriptions include all payment integrations for free—that means there are no Cobot setup or transactional fees to use GoCardless.

Upgraded Booking Calendar layout

Have you or your members wished the Cobot Booking Calendar was bigger? Especially on mobile? We have good news for you! Not only is the calendar larger, but we’ve grouped all calendar buttons near the top navigation. That means you don’t need to scroll down to toggle the view between day, month, or week.

Both admins and members have access to the updated calendar view, which also includes contrast and typography improvements.

If you haven’t already seen the change, head over to the Calendar tab to view it now.

Booking Calendar feeds now include time zone information

Ever found your Cobot calendar feed stepped out of sync when your clocks were affected by the switch to daylight savings time? Now all feeds include time zone details that will automatically keep your calendars accurate, wherever (and whenever) they are.

One exciting aspect of the all-new External Bookings feature is that you’re in complete control of where and how you promote your resources.

Entice folks to choose you for their next booking! Now when you share resource links on e.g. social media, they’ll preview your logo, description, and the image you’ve uploaded.

Check out this preview from our demo space.

New functionality in Zapier

Getting creative is easier when you can preview the zaps you’re building. That’s now possible when creating zaps via Cobot!

Even better, you can access historical data. Reprocess an action after making changes to a Zap, so that everything stays in the same format automatically.

Even more add-on design updates: including Tip Jar and Vouchers

You may have seen last month that a number of Cobot’s bots (add-ons that help extend the functionality of Cobot for everything from reporting to inventory) got a style update.

This month we made sure that these enhancements found their way onto the member portal, keeping it fresh and modern for everyone who interacts with your space.

Improved email translations

Ever received an email that was in your language—except for the subject line?

Then there’s another thing you and your members can look forward to from now on when it comes to email notifications; emails sent by Cobot now more reliably appear in the same language, from subject lines to footers.

Stay in the coworking loop

Want to keep up to date on the latest coworking news updates, and giveaways? Sign up here to receive emails directly from our team at Cobot! We often share extra announcements and offers including ticket giveaways, job posts, and other messages from our friends and colleagues in coworking. We never spam our lists and think you’ll find it interesting.

Happy coworking!

If you aren’t already using Cobot as your coworking management software, give it a go! You’ll find that our features can help you run your coworking space more effectively and grow your community. Just sign up for a free trial or a live demo session. And if you have questions, our support team is all ears!

Happy Coworking!