Cobot January 2019 Updates and Improvements

The new year has started, and Cobot has dived into 2019 by adding new features to make your experience more intuitive and collaborative.

Bulk Connect

If you’re an admin and you have a large group of people that you want to invite to join your space, you used to have to invite each new person to claim their membership, one by one. Not anymore! You now have the option to bulk connect, saving you time and energy whenever you need to invite a large group to your space.

Membership Customization — Add Extras Easily

It used to be that when an admin wanted to add an extra to a member’s profile (i.e. a recurring charge like lockers or keys) that admin needed to re-enter this extra for each member. Now, these extras can be selected simply by using a checkbox instead of entering a description and price every time. Monthly extra charges are now simple, intuitive, and easily updated.

Booking Calendar Upgrade

On our booking calendar, we’ve changed the way that our member’s bookings are displayed. Our calendar currently shows a more compact list of bookings, in order of their proximity to the current date, and they include images alongside the booking. It’s a more intuitive layout that helps members and admins visualize and contextualize bookings in the calendar.

Old ‘My Bookings’ Calendar
New ‘My Bookings” Calendar

Member Change Improvements

It’s inevitable, one of your members will change their plan, or their address, or something else on their profile, and you (as an admin) will have to make that change. And here’s what we’ve improved: now when you go to change your member’s info, you will always see their name, avatar, and company in the page header. This makes it easier for admins to keep track of whose info they’re changing, and easily click through to see the details of a member’s company or personal information.

Italian Invoicing

As of this year, Italy has a new e-invoicing law (known as Fattura PA or Fatturazione Elettronica) that requires all invoices use a special form and pass directly onto the government. Cobot has a new add-on for Italian workspaces to comply with the law and make it simple to bulk export everything you need. It’s free (like all Cobot add-ons!) and includes its own FAQ.

Hashtag Support

And finally: members of Cobot spaces can add hashtags directly into their bios! You can click on one of these hashtags to see a list of all of the other bios that include the same hashtag in the same space. It’s a fun way to not only personalize your profile, but connect with other like-minded members of your space. Go ahead and try it out!

If you aren’t already using Cobot as your coworking management software, give it a go! You’ll find that our features can help you run your coworking space more effectively and grow your community. Just sign up for a free trial or a live demo session. And if you have questions, our support team is ready and waiting to help you.

Happy coworking!