Biggest Release Evar: New Look, New Features

After what feels like an eternity we just pushed our latest release to our live servers. It includes a number of improvements and new features many people have been waiting for. Sorry you had to wait, but here they are:

New Look & Navigation

The first thing you will notice when browsing cobot is the new look. We overhauled the navigation completely, enhancing the old navigation bar that had way too many items in it with a new sidebar.

For admins, the new top navigation now has only three entries: Setup, Manage and Analyze (and Help). Each of these lead to a section dedicated to setting up your space, day to day management, and analytics. This new way of organizing cobot’s many features makes them much easier to discover and find, at the same time reducing complexity in a lot of places. For example, the dreaded Space Settings page, which had become a collection of everything that didn’t fit anywhere else, is now completely gone and all its parts are spread out onto their own pages.

In addition, we redesigned the admin member page. Dozens of buttons have been tucked nicely into context menus, making it much easier to get an overview and find what you are looking for.

We restructured the navigation for members in a similar way. Things should be easier to find now, since pages have become less complex.

While we were at it, we refreshed the general look and feel. By reducing the size of the header, we now have more space for the actual pages. We also updated major design elements, which results in a cleaner overall look.

Delete Time Passes

Admins can finally delete time passes they accidentally assigned. This can be done on the member page in the new time passes panel.

Custom Questions

Custom questions are a great way to collect more information about your members. When adding a new member as an admin, you now get the chance to fill in the questions form as well. Admins can also edit the answers now.

Overlapping Time Passes

When adding time passes to a plan, the timespans of a pass can now overlap, so you can create a pass that’s valid, for example, from 10 to 2pm or 12 to 4pm.

Sent Messages

There’s a new page that lists all the messages that have been sent through cobot, which is very useful if there is more than one admin in the space.

Technology Updates

On the technological side, we updated to the latest Rails and CouchDB releases, giving us improved stability and new features for faster development.


We are very excited to finally have this all out. Expect more frequent releases in the near future — we have a ton of other stuff in the works.

If you have any comments on these new features, we would of course love to hear them. Please leave a comment below or just email us at support [at]

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