August System Improvements

As some team members are taking a late summer vacation, we’ve been extra busy here at Cobot — but that didn’t stop our super agile team to work on three fresh new improvement updates this month!

Our three new improvements address suggestions we’ve been getting from you lately. Here they are:

  • Copy an invite link for members in addition to sending an email
  • Retroactively change the start date of a membership after it has started
  • When a member now buys either time passes or booking passes, they immediately get an invoice — and charged, of course.

This is for when you as an admin set up a membership, and you want to invite the member to claim their account. In the past, the only option was to send them an email invitation. Everything fine there, but we know better not to trust someone else’s inbox. It can get lost, unnoticeable in a list of 3.000+ unread emails or even go to spam.

Now you get an invite link which you can copy and paste to send it through your communication method of choice — for example, our Slack integration.

Retroactively change the start date of a membership after it has started

This is another very small change but it was a constant request.

The start date of the membership has always been a fixed point in time and space — a sacred date that defines everything. It still is, but now if you’ve made a mistake, if your member has made a mistake, if they’ve changed their minds, if something happened on that day and the member could not start coworking — you can now correct it.

Voilá — Cobot has made it possible to travel back in time!

When a member now buys either time passes or booking passes, they immediately get an invoice — and charged, of course.

And here’s one more frequently requested update. Before, whenever members would buy a time pass or booking pass and chose to pay it right away it would go on to their next invoice. This confused many people — managers, members and consequently, us. Now it’s all automated to be invoiced and charged immediately.

This is especially helpful when dealing with non-members and drop-ins as one can easily forget about a booking made at the beginning of the month.

We hope you enjoy all the new features we’ve added to Cobot. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out. We deliver new sets of improvements every 30 days and your suggestion can be the next on our list.

Happy Coworking!

Your Cobot Team