April 2023 Cobot Updates


April has been an exciting month for Cobot, and the coworking industry in general. One of the most exciting events was GCUC 2023 held this year in Chicago. Cobot's own Morgan Sully attended the event and had the opportunity to connect with many veterans of the industry and newcomers alike. In Germany, Cobot also had the pleasure to attend Coworking Festival Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, where we met many great people and spaces from the north of Germany.

On the product side of things, there have been many developments which we are excited to share here.

Control Booking and Resource Privileges on Member Plans

You asked, and we listened: we just released plan-specific booking privileges! This allows you to give members of specific plans access to only some of your resources. As one of our most popular feature requests, we know there are many use cases for this: you can use it to better manage the access rights of teams and companies in your space.

Control who has access to what

You can limit access to certain equipment or restrict members on certain plans to booking resources in only one building or floor. And of course, this helps you upsell members to premium plans by giving them more access!

Smoother Onboarding with New Checklists

Are you new to Cobot and want to learn more? We've prepared something for you. A checklist will help you get started with Cobot quickly and easily. Completing all the tasks will give you a quick overview of our product. Just follow the checklist, and you'll be up and running in no time, safe in the knowledge that you haven't missed any important setup steps.

Clearer Overview of Available Booking Pass Hours

Are you using our old booking pass system? Your members' experience just got better! Now they can keep track of their remaining Booking Pass hours per resource in a box on the member dashboard. This helps them stay on top of things and make the most of their Booking Passes.

Clear and concise

Removed Google Calendar Sync notifications

We know these notifications can be annoying, so our Google Calendar integration will no longer send invitations and updates about synced bookings to members (or anyone else).

Additional taxes are now added to invoice line items CSV

Located in Canada? Then you may be interested in our Additional Taxes feature. In some regions, such as the Canadian provinces, there are two sales taxes, federal and local. These taxes can be displayed on your Cobot invoices and are now also added to the CSV export of invoice line items. Do you need to apply additional taxes in your region? Contact support to set this up.

Fattura elettronica: E-invoicing in Italy

Italian e-invoicing, we've got you covered

For all spaces operating in Italy, we offer an e-invoicing solution that complies with Italian e-invoicing requirements. However, this add-on was not easy to find until now. We have added a quick link to e-invoicing ("Fattura elettronica") in the admin navigation sidebar. This means that you can now easily access and use this feature to streamline your invoicing process and save time.

If you haven't heard of e-invoicing yet: It's an electronic invoicing system that is mandatory for Italian businesses. With Cobot's e-invoicing add-on, you can easily manage your invoices and ensure compliance with Italian regulations.

Help us make Cobot better for you

Would you like to help us shape our product and make it even better for coworking spaces and hybrid offices like yours? Join our beta tester program! There you’ll hear first about upcoming product changes, have the chance to make your voice heard, and have a very direct impact on our product development. Just reach out to us at support@cobot.me and let us know you want to be a beta tester.

See you next month, happy coworking!