5 Questions with Laura Ocampo

Laura Ocampo, Community Builder at CREC Bcn

Meet Laura Ocampo, the community builder at CREC Coworking, where she not only solves all member-related issues, but creates CREC’s unique welcoming and collaborative community environment. And she even found the time to answer our 5 coworking questions!

Hey Laura! What does coworking mean to you?

Coworking is a shared space where community builders add value to the community, by helping to make connections between the coworkers and/or with external clients/suppliers in order to help grow its community’s projects of its community. Since our start in 2018 we have succeeded in connecting coworkers with each other (or with external clients and suppliers) more than 190 times. You can check that out in this graph.

CREC Coworking

What’s a best practice that you learned when running a coworking space?

If you want a workshop or event to be successful among your community, host it during the day and not after the workday, and let the coworkers be in charge of the organization.

What’s a great coworking project or initiative we should be aware of?

One of the teams we have in our coworking has recently created Co-Emprending, a habitat for entrepreneurs. You can find more info on the coemprending.es website.

Opening a coworking space?
Cobot’s got essential management tools so you’ll be ready for success from day one

What makes the Spanish coworking scene special? What do you love about it?

We think the best value the Spanish Coworking Conference can offer is the opportunity to be in contact with other Spanish coworking managers, the link you create with them to the point of becoming friends rather than competitors — and also the opportunity to talk about concerns and problems that are culturally the same, even though our spaces’ dimensions or locations may differ from the ones you find at the European or Asian coworking conferences.

​Where can we find you and your space on social media?




If you aren’t already using Cobot as your coworking management software, give it a go! You’ll find that our features can help you run your coworking space more effectively and grow your community. Just sign up for a free trial or a live demo session. And if you have questions, our support team is all ears!

Happy Coworking!