4 New Cobot Improvements — May 2017 Update

This month we’re excited to release a number of small but significant improvements to Cobot that will make managing your space even easier.

Type-search a Resource in the Booking Calendar

Members and Admins can now type search on drop-down menu in the Booking Calendar to find a Resource.

This feature is particularly helpful for large spaces that offer many different resources, where finding the one you need to book is not an easy task.

We have introduced an auto-completing drop-down list when you enter the first letters into the drop down box. From there, Cobot will take care of filtering the resource options and then display those to you.

Paying members have their team members listed in their profile.

As an admin you can easily check who is paying for whom by looking at a member’s profile. This wasn’t the case for the paying members, until now.

Paying members will now be able to stay more organized and always keep track of everyone on the team they are paying for.

Rename a Custom Field

This may seem like a very small backend change but we think it’s an improvement that you would all like to know about.

Previously, if you would rename a custom field all data associated with this field would be deleted. Let’s say that you created a custom field called ‘Phone’ to keep your member’s phone numbers, but then decided to rename the field to ‘Mobile’. In this scenario, all numbers could get lost because the fields didn’t have their own code for identification. The name you gave to a field was the one which Cobot would then use to identify it and pull the data from.

This is no longer the case. Now, whenever you create a new custom field, Cobot creates an ID for it which keeps it secure in our database. This means you can change the name as often as you like without a problem.

Colorful Spinner

As part of our ongoing design improvements we’ve made a small change to make Cobot more lively. Now whenever you load the Booking Calendar you’ll see that the spinner has multiple colors.

We hope that this makes managing your coworking space a whole lot easier!

Our team spends a lot of time listening to your feedback before developing new features, so your ideas are more than welcome. If you have any suggestions or questions regarding Cobot just reach out to support@cobot.me and we’ll be happy to hear them.

Every month is release month at Cobot so stay tuned.

Happy Coworking!