15 Years of Pioneering Coworking in Berlin and Beyond

The Cobot team congratulates betahaus on their anniversary! betahaus, one of Germany’s first and most influential coworking spaces, opened its doors in 2009, setting standards for coworking and community building ever since.

Today, we take a look back on 15 years of shared history between Cobot and betahaus. From the beginning, we have been driven by the same vision: better work through trust, collaboration, and openness. We've grown and learned a lot together, forging a trustful and productive partnership.

We’ve sat down with Madeleine Gummer von Mohl, Co-founder and Co-CEO of betahaus, to learn about the betahaus story, how operations at a multi-location coworking network have developed over the last 15 years, and how Cobot has been involved.

Madeleine, what brought you to coworking?

Madeleine: Back in the days I was working with one of my co-founders, Christoph Fahle, at Politikfabrik, a student communication agency. We had a small office in Prenzlauer Berg and worked with different freelancers who liked our office and often stayed after a project was done. So it felt like the “pre-betahaus” time looking back. Then in 2009, we officially started with the first space in Berlin.

What is betahaus' mission and did it change over the years?

Madeleine: “Empower and enable entrepreneurship in people.” This was our mission from day one and still is. betahaus provides the space, community, and programs designed for entrepreneurs, startups, and creatives to exchange knowledge, ideas, and connections for personal and professional growth.

How did you approach operations when you started betahaus?

Madeleine: Very, very spontaneously and bootstrapped! We were six co-founders and everyone did everything. One of the first unexpected challenges was managing cash flow due to bad planning, which we overcame by reducing our salaries. If I had to do it all over again, I’d probably approach it similarly, but with the knowledge of 15 years, we now work on a completely different level with professional tools and team members, focusing on the most important things. I personally learned to say no.

What is the biggest difference in coworking operations now compared to when you started?

Madeleine: Ha, you know how we started! We managed our members with an Excel sheet. Now we use professional tools like Cobot, HubSpot, Agicap, and Slack to manage everything related to coworking membership. It’s a completely different world!

How did you integrate Cobot into your operations, and what motivated you to do it?

Madeleine: I can’t remember the time before Cobot. In my memory, we were one of your first clients, and we grew together. The transition from a manual Excel sheet to a SaaS like Cobot was a very positive experience, especially in managing accounting tasks such as sending invoices, payment reminders, and syncing with the tax office.

Can you name one Cobot feature that you never want to be without?

Madeleine: My favorite part is the forecast/projected revenue feature. And lately, the ability to sell Day Passes and Meeting Rooms to guests has been incredibly useful.

What is your best memory of meeting or talking to the Cobot team?

Madeleine: I love that Alex & Thilo always answer my emails in person!

What do you hope coworking operations will look like 10 years from now?

Madeleine: I wish that the operations would be even smoother and we could all focus on the most important topic: building a very special ecosystem!

Can you give one piece of advice you wish someone would have given you when you started with betahaus?

Madeleine: Double-check with whom you are working closely, not only their professional side but also their personality. You end up spending a lot of time together, and it helps if you have the same humor!

The Cobot team looks forward to continuing our journey with betahaus, supporting their mission to empower and enable entrepreneurship. As they grow and evolve, we remain committed to providing the tools and solutions needed to ensure their operations run smoothly. Here’s to many more years of collaboration and success together!

If you're looking to streamline operations within your coworking community, give Cobot a try. Sign up for a free demo and get started today!